Hey Kyle, great piece and very true about engaging with an app without expecting an airdrop! I'm deeply interested in this topic as our platform for communities, Popula, records every interaction onchain and rewards it with Drips, non-transferable fungible tokens (sort of onchain points). Drips signal reputation within Popula, and have tangible utility like granting access to unique content, or voting in governance. In the future, it will also be imbued with economic value, while remaining non-transferable (not just with an airdrop, though). We are proud of being one of the first projects to experiment with onchain points, and we are trying as much as possible to avoid behavior distortion that incentives can create. Feel free to check us out at popula.io, and let us know if you are up for a chat about this. Cheers!

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Dec 19, 2023·edited Dec 19, 2023

Oh, wow! it is so cool. Influencers can now make even more money from their loyal sheep. Too bad I don’t remember any post with your prediction of the imminent JITO airdrop.

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